Acne bacteria (P. Acnes) bacteria produce the light-sensitive substances coproporphyrin III and protoporphyrin. Our treatments irradiate these substances with wavelengths of light specifically optimized to stimulate the porphyrins and induce bacterial death, thus eradicating the inflammatory effects of acne.
The treatment regimen involves 8 treatments alternating blue and red light over a 4-week period. You may see an increase in acne lesions during the course of treatment. Improvement typically starts 2 weeks into treatment.
Vacuum: Deep cleanses the pore by extracting the blocked sebaceous material.
Broadband Light: Light targets porphryns, destroying the P. acne bacteria, reduces sebum production, and dramatically reduces the erythema (redness), and pigmentary changes associated with acne.
Most acne patients require 4 or 5 treatments every week to two weeks. Usually after one treatment, there is very little improvement. After the second treatment, the patient should notice a modest improvement. The third treatment, however seems to produce the most significant improvement and after the fourth and fifth treatment, most if not all the acne lesions should be gone.
During this series of treatments, the patient may remain on any traditional acne therapies they feel comfortable using. They also should maintain a good skin care regimen which as the doctor, you can influence with recommended protocols. Following the final treatment, the patient may also remain on any therapies they feel comfortable with and also must maintain a good skin care regimen.
Most patients require a single touch up treatment every three to four months.